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Parent Coaching

You want a loving, cooperative relationship with your children…

… a lifelong bond where you can both grow and thrive.

Yet, there are times when frustration and worry seem more the norm than the exception.

Are there days when…

Patience is short, anger is just below the surface, and it seems difficult to stay in control?

You worry that this is not just a phase, and you don’t know what to do?

You hear the voice of your own parents coming from your mouth, and you want to be a better parent?

Meet those moments with confidence…

Parent coaching can help you learn valuable, practical, applicable skills that are tailored to your child and their unique temperament, talents, challenges, and age.

I want every parent to feel capable, supported, and able to meet the needs of their children.

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: Parenting is the hardest job in the world. Moments turn into days, weeks, months, and years… and before you know it, they’re off. There will be big and little challenges that come your way… small and big victories.

Here’s why parent coaching is such a good idea…

You’ll receive professional support and encouragement from someone who’s been there.

As a mother of three teens, I know how it feels to parent through aggression, anxiety, sibling rivalry, and meltdowns… and difficult life moments like illness.

Like you, I love my kids dearly, and I am human… so I’ve experienced those times of frustration, confusion, and worry.

You’ll get professional support from a seasoned therapist and parent.

You benefit from a parenting coach who is also an experienced therapist – one who understands child development and will look at your child and your interactions holistically. This helps change problematic patterns of behavior, communication, and responding.

You don’t have to hope that SOMEDAY things will improve on their own. If you are ready to do the work, you will learn respectful, impactful parenting strategies that fit your child’s development, personality, and behavior. This will enhance the relationship with your children – in the short-term and for the long haul.

You’ll be better able to navigate life’s unexpected paths.

Parent coaching can help in the moments when life detours outside of our plans – when we need to dig deep and figure out how to help our children through life transitions such as an illness in the family, a move, a deployment, divorce and co-parenting, or other big life transitions.

A peaceful home IS possible!

I remember my children’s toddlerhood as though it were yesterday, and here we are packing for sophomore year of college.

Time flies, so don’t wait. You are your child’s greatest ally… and the expert on them. Let’s partner together to bring those “wonder years” back into your home. We hire all types of coaches for sports, music, and other activities for our children; why not a parent coach?

Please call today and get started on the path to a better relationship with your children… and a more harmonious family life: (571) 289-9181