Covid-19 update: Secure, video sessions available for your health and safety.

Teen Therapy

Being a teen today is complex and challenging…

Their worlds are in an emotional, hormonal, social, and academic state of constant flux. They are trying to find their bearings amid these constant, BIG changes.

Teens need everything to APPEAR “put together,” including their academic, social, and extracurricular lives… as well as their college prep and plans.

Let’s face it, they are seeking far less support and input from us, their parents. So, where are they getting the needed support?

Technology: The evil necessity…

Technology has changed the game for teens… literally.

They are accessible to media influence 24 hours a day. They are hypersensitive and anxious about what others are doing, the social circles of their friends, and how they “look” to others.

In a single social media post, their world can change… and be on display for all to see! This opens the door to scrutiny, and it makes it difficult to bounce back.

To make matters worse, many teens are also spending hours a day comparing their lives to the seemingly perfect, “movie worthy” moments seen in others’ online posts.

Real (and sometimes secret) issues…

Teens are in the throes of figuring out what makes them tick, who they are, and what they want in life.

Some teens struggle with feelings of depression, worthlessness, irritability, anxiety, ADHD, and an excessive conveyor belt of negative thoughts.

They can have trouble concentrating, completing assignments, keeping friends, sleeping, and keeping up with the demands of teen life.

College planning can completely freak them out, potentially sidelining an otherwise college-bound teen.

Teens need a safe haven…

Teens need a place where they can be TRULY SEEN and HEARD – where they can process the BIG and LITTLE stuff…

… a safe place to learn healthy coping skills when their world threatens to overwhelm them.

… a safe place where they can learn about themselves and try on different ways of acting, thinking, and approaching their issues.

… and a safe, experienced guide who will help them find and love the best parts of themselves – who will gently challenge them to work on the parts that hurt.

An invitation from the “Teen Whisperer”…

I have been told I have “magic fairy dust.”

I am not sure about the fairy dust (maybe just glitter), but I have tremendous experience and expertise on teens, a genuine regard for them, and a bag of wonders full of strategies to help make the BIG stuff more manageable.

I can help your teen feel truly heard, safe, and figure things out that may seem too BIG (right now).

Please call me today for a free, 20-minute consultation: (571) 289-9181